Friday night
Around 6.30 pm R was in front of the gate of my house. M arrived aorund 7.00 pm, and I arrived around 7.15 pm.
While R was waiting for me in his Pregio, he told me that he saw a spirit of man standing by door of his Pregio. He was in his traditional malay attire.
M also saw this man. And M asked R if he saw it too.
But I see no one.....
I was kind of angry to R and M for not telling me there was a spirit in front of the gate of my house. They only told me once were inside my house...
We left for Sipitang after Isyak prayers.
My staff has told me about this stone. M has heard this stone from C. My staff said the stone always changes its color. Everytime they drive by, the stone would show green to them. Tha's what my staff had told me.
I was intrigued to investigate this stone. She said the stone sits by the roadside, and a roof has been build over it...She said the stone can be found a few kilometer before Weston.
So around 8.00 pm, we drove to Sipitang. We travelled using my car and R was behind the steering wheel.
We stopped at Papar town to have our dinner. We walked into a restaurant which had a kopitiam style of decoration. I ordered myself fried noodle seafood, while M ordered lalap fried rice and R ordered lalap rice.
After dinner around 9.30 we continued our journey to Sipitang.
On the way to Sipitang, it started to rain...
And it was raining cats and dogs after Beaufort town. We hardly could see in front of us. R slowed down the car. I got worried that we wouldn't be able to locate the stone.
Around 11.30 pm we reached to the location supposedly where the stone was located, but we couldn't find it. We drove slowly till we reached the Weston road junction, but we couldn't find the stone.
So we turned back towards Beaufort. Luckily now the rain was no longer heavy, it was reduced to a drizzle.
But still no sign of the stone. After realizing we had gone far towards the direction of Beaufort, we turned again and headed back towards Sipitang. This time I rolled my window car down and used my flash light, trying to locate the stone on my left.
We almost had given up hope, even R was getting angry for not being able to find it, when suddenly, just behind a hill, we saw a bridge acrosss the drain and at the end of it was the stone.
We parked the car by the roadside. Then we walked on the bridge towards the stone.
The stone was painted white...There were many numbers written on it, 4 digit numbers. I could tell that people come here to get a winning lottery number. Some even placed bread, coins and fruits near the stone. Candles and burnt incense sticks were everywhere.
We took our time looking at the numbers written on the stone. Some wrote desparate messages on the stone, hoping their wish could be fulfilled.
R and M touched the stone. So I touched it too. I placed my right hand on the stone and concentrated. I could sensed something was inside the stone, as it emitted a low current, and the current seemed be to creeping into my hands, like ant bites on the palm of my hand.I pulled my hand back before more of that energy crept into my body.
R gave a little prayer wishing for a winning number. I didn't. I could never do that. While M was curious how could the stone make some one rich..and how could the other stones....simialr stones... could make some dissappear....disapperared into spritual world...
We went back home, about 20 minutes later.
And that night I dreamed of driving a car... and the car registration number clearly could be seen in my dream.
I told R and M about the number..... and M and R bought the number at 4D outlets.
That night R was anxiously waiting for the result. At 8.00 pm, he browsed the result on the internet using my E71, but the result was dissaponting. It was a winning number though, but the sequence of the number was not in the correct order....R was very frustrated...but he was determined to go there again...
I was careless today. I let my shield down. I was not protected. I even missed my Subuh prayer... and I was attacked.... I couldn't get head was spinning and my body was heavy...
Did the spirit of the stone got into me?
The whole of Sunday just wasted away....
Info RCT (Rawatan Cara Tidur)
5 years ago
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